Thursday, January 29, 2015


I know I post a lot of pictures and quotes, but I want to explain that I suffer from depression. I try to occupy my mind during the day and do little things that make me happy.  But at night I think n think and I can't sleep.  My head starts hurting because of all the thinking I do.  So I search and search until I find quotes that sometimes relate to how I feel.  I write about myself because I also suffer from depression, tha I am just like every one else that has and is suffering from depression.  I'm not a doctor or an expert I'm just a regular person that has suffered from this since I was a child.  I cry, I hurt, I get sad, I have been to the gates of hell and back.  Because of this mental illness called depression.

I hope you all benefit from these quote and lil notes I share with you....

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