Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Signs of bipolar depression

I have been dong research on by bipolar depression and I came across an article that looked very interesting.  It was about living with some one with depression.  The person that wrote the article did a lot of research.  But is now selling copies of their research on how to deal with someone with bipolar depression. I also am doing research and I am sharing what I find with you for FREE.  I want to help people understand their or a relatives mental illness. Last nite while on Facebook I read about a young person committing suicide.  That is just horrible. I want to try and prevent such things. Maybe that is why I was put in this earth to do is to help people any which way I could. So please share my blog, because you don't know who may need this information.  All you have to do is share. Thank you.  Here I am going to share some charts I found with signs of bipolar.     

Did you know their is about 3 million people that suffer from bipolar in the United state alone.  My next post will be of celebrities who suffer from bipolar depression.

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