Sunday, January 4, 2015

Depression and me

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo E9783413-D96A-4DE6-87F8-B634C9CCB733_zpsetau3fer.jpg"/></a>.                 

i believe i have suffered from depression since i was a child. The problem was that I didn't know what depression was.  Why because no one wants to discuss this mental illness. No one wants to say they suffer from depression.  They afraid people will not understand them or judge them. Depression is a mental illness. That for most parts, according to me is that it makes you extra sad. More emotional.  It makes me not want to wake up in the morning.  When I'm depressed I don't have energy to do anything. I wake and say I am going to do this but never get around to doing anything.

I believe everyone has suffered from a bout of depression at one time or other. But some just know how to deal with it better then others. I for one battle with depression almost everyday.  I get a lot of ideas and want to do so much but something inside of me don't let me do anything.  And this is very frustrating.

This illness sometimes its hard to see in others, like Robin Williams  who would have imagined he was suffering so much of this illness.  I was devastated when they announced he had taken his own life.  Thats when I decided to write about it.  

So I want to help people even if its by talking about anything they want. If you don't want to say who you are thats fine.  If you want to talk/write about anything thats is ok. I will try to the best of my ability to answer you back.

I will be posting names of books you could read.  Also little inspirational sayings that I find has help me.

Until tomorrow, because tomorrow is another day for sharing, caring and living.          

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