Monday, January 19, 2015

Depressed, remember I'm in your corner.

I deal with depression every day.  I'm sad, I feel lonely, I don't want to do anything.  But I try to deal with it.  I get up and find something to do that brings me joy. I motivate myself.  That is one of the biggest issues...motivation.  Get up and motivate yourself and try to be productive.  Get a hobby.  Get on social media. Follow what interest you.  Instagram has been very good for me.  I follow my interest.   Facebook is also a source of entertainment.  I go on and go thru Facebook for hours lookingat all the things people post.  There is lots of forms of entertainment just at the tip of your finger tips!  Now if your not into technology.  Go grap a camera and go take pictures of the beautiful things around you. Or get a pet. Pets are very therapeutic.  The most important too do is try to shake yourself from depression taking over you.  There is a lot of help out there for Mental illness.  Oh did I just say mental illness, well yes I did. And I'm proud to say that I have gotten over the feeling of being rejected because of my illness.  Get over it we are 2015 and depression doesn't faze people like before.

Now remember this is a zone free blog. I am not hear to judge.  I'm here to help those that want help.  

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