Sunday, May 31, 2015

Friendship and depression

People sufferings from depression could benefit from friends.  Friends that will be supportive to your illness.  Good and understanding friends. 

In the picture below is the kind of friend I'm talking about.

I have been blessed with a friend that has been there for my on my weakest moments. She has emotionally carried me thru the years.


  1. Were you depressed or sick with some mental illness and over came it? btw great blog

    1. Brandi,
      I started suffering from depression in my teens. I still suffer from it on n off. I dealt with it on my own because I didn't know I was suffering from this illness. Until the early 2004. Until a was told by a Doctor I was going thru severe depression. He put me n Meds for a while. I personally stopped the Meds. Because I didn't like how I felt. So I tried to deal with the illness as best as I can.
