Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Dealing with depression.

I hope these tips I found about dealing with depression will help.

some of the things that help me are listed here. I go on social networks, I have a dog. A 2 month old pug which I am training. (Which me luck).  I can't wait to take long walks with Toby.  Soon I will be able to after June 15.  He will be finished with his shots then we could hang. ( it's very good to maintain a healthy pet.) well guys I hope this helps.


  1. Great tips love them

  2. Depression is a rough subject....I know this cause I have seen what's its liker first hand for someone to suffer many years....

    1. I disagree with u marget its only as hard as you make it many including myself has overcame it and there are treatments available

    2. That may be so jay but what about those that can't afford treatments sure to no insurances or money uh, then what

  3. That's why these tips area here duh....

  4. I don't need these tips I got my meds...

  5. Dude u are an arrogant jerk.... These are just tios u don't have to agree with them but if they help them y not..... Personality I rather tips n ideas then getting addicted to meds
