Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Depression is nothing to be ashame of

Yes you should not be ashamed of your illness. Anybody could get depression.  Lots of people suffer from depression but are scared to tell anyone. Have you ever stop and looked at family member or a friend. I mean really look at them, and if you do maybe you could see in them some signs of depression. A certain sadness, a certain lack of energy, not wanting to do anything. Well guess what they may be suffering from depression.  Don't be ashamed tell them your depressed and maybe they will open up to you. Like that you help them and help yourself at the same time. And that will give you inspiration........


  1. I love this blog but I don't like to talk about my depression its very hard to talk about especially to the world

  2. I agree it's hard to talk about an issue like this and to talk about it to social media is the hardest thing for me....I have been depressed for many years and its nice to find something like this to help me through...thanks
