Sunday, May 31, 2015

Smoking and Depression

I find this article quite true. I have been smoking since I was in my teens. I feel that it helps calm my mood. It's a very hard habit to quit for me. I also have just been diagnosed with diabetes. You notice how it's like a chain reaction. I hope my article helps explain some questions you have.......

Friendship and depression

People sufferings from depression could benefit from friends.  Friends that will be supportive to your illness.  Good and understanding friends. 

In the picture below is the kind of friend I'm talking about.

I have been blessed with a friend that has been there for my on my weakest moments. She has emotionally carried me thru the years.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Depression >>>Understanding Depression

I have really never understood depression. Or why I suffer from it.  So I'm doing research on it.  So I came across this, I'm going to share it I hope it helps.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Dealing with depression.

I hope these tips I found about dealing with depression will help.

some of the things that help me are listed here. I go on social networks, I have a dog. A 2 month old pug which I am training. (Which me luck).  I can't wait to take long walks with Toby.  Soon I will be able to after June 15.  He will be finished with his shots then we could hang. ( it's very good to maintain a healthy pet.) well guys I hope this helps.

Suicide hotline

You could also call 311.

If you need help reach out and call.....

If you feeling down and sad call a friend or a family member........

Or write to me, you could write about whatever you want....the best part is that I don't need to know who you are.  

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Mental illness could strike anyone

Lots of people don't realize that mental illness could come at anytime. To anybody.  Especially depression. Some people also don't recognized the signs of depression. Learn to recognize them. Sadness, don't feel like doing anything. Very emotional. Feeling lonely even if your surrounded by thousands of people.  Feeling left out, feeling of abandonment. 

I'm talking out of my personal experience...

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Depression is nothing to be ashame of

Yes you should not be ashamed of your illness. Anybody could get depression.  Lots of people suffer from depression but are scared to tell anyone. Have you ever stop and looked at family member or a friend. I mean really look at them, and if you do maybe you could see in them some signs of depression. A certain sadness, a certain lack of energy, not wanting to do anything. Well guess what they may be suffering from depression.  Don't be ashamed tell them your depressed and maybe they will open up to you. Like that you help them and help yourself at the same time. And that will give you inspiration........

Friday, May 8, 2015

So you got a mental illness

Very soon I will also be writing about other mental illness.  But I will also continue writing about depression. I will also share inspirational quotes.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Life is a bitch and then you die

Some people have told me to write more, I know I should but I like to also put quotes/sayings.  Why because I enjoy them and also to make my page more entertain able. Sometime just reading someone just writing gets boring. Well to me it those. I hope you guys like my sayings as much as I do.

If you want more writing, tell me. Don't be shy. If you like my quotes, also tell me............

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Why are you afraid

Why are you afraid to talk about your mental health.  Are you afraid people will stop being your friend.  That they will advoid you.  That was why I was afraid to talk about it.  But not anymore.  I liberated myself from ignorant people.  But don't get mad at them for their ignorance.  Must of the time that's how they were raised, to keep mental illness in the closet.  There is nothing to be ashamed of.  I feel much better when I openly admitted that I suffer from depression and bipolar.  That's who I am.  Makes me feel better to say to a person.  I feel depress and I don't want to talk at the moment.  It's like a weight lifted from my shoulder to freely admit that I'm feeling depress.  Also when my mood changes suddenly I say "well you know I'm bipolar" or "I say there goes my bipolar me."  The response I get is laughter.  I get laughter and understanding, and that my friends is all.  So don't shy away from admitting you have a mental illness.  You wouldn't know how people are going to react now a days.  

Think of it this way....we are in 21st century and everyone is more educated and open minded.  It's not such a big deal any more.  There a worst things out there.  So don't be afraid.  Come into the new age of change and enlightment.