Thursday, December 3, 2015

Struggling with mental health issues

These quotes I am about to share are so true on there sayings.  It's remarkable that in this time and age people are still afraid to say they have a mental issue.  And to this day some people still don't go and get help.  Which could lead to a breakdown.  Or worst.  I do understand that your afraid that if you speak up you will get rejected. I understand because that was me.  But now I am more open about my condition.  I say it for the world to hear. We have to speak up and bring awareness to mental health. I now feel that whoever don't want to associate with me because of my mental health issues. It's ok  with  me.  I rather have a dog as a friend then deal with fake people anyway. They say oh she's crazy or the new term oh she's 730.  Who cares what they think.  Are they with you when you feel like you don't have a friend in the world. Are they there when you need a helping hand. Or to pay your bills and help with your problems.  No there not there so why should you care what they thing of you...

Just remember that there are so many other people going thru the same thing we go thru.  That we are not alone.

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